Beer Serving Registration
The Ottumwa Pro Balloon Races will be hosting the 40th annual Ottumwa Pro Balloon Races Event July 12-16 2017. We would like to offer you and your organization a fundraising opportunity. Three nights of the event (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) there will be a beer garden.
The Board would like to offer you the opportunity to staff the beer garden. We will be selecting three
non-profits to be part of this year’s event.
Here is what you need to know...
1. Your organization must be not profit.
2. You will bid on the money your organization wants to receive from the night.
3. Explain what the money would be used for.
4. Give a history of your organization.
What you will be required to do…
1. Staff the bar tent at the pre-set times.
2. Staff for set-up before bar opens.
3. Staff to change trash cans during the evening.
4. Staff to clean-up at the end of the night.
5. List of staff provide to the OPBR before the evening begins.